Peer-Reviewed Publications

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Underline indicates student, postdoc or technician in the lab


Liu, Tzu-Chin (Jean), Burks, C., Wilson, H. 2025. "Evaluation of a fluorophore for marking navel orangeworm (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)" Journal of Economic Entomology 25(1): 12;
Britt, K. E., Meierotto, S., Wilson, H. 2025. "Evaluation of insecticides to control leafhoppers in grape, 2021" Arthropod Management Tests 50(1): tsaf008;
Bansal, R., Rijal, J. Haviland, D., Gyawaly, S., Wilson, H. 2025. A low cost and labor-efficient method for rearing an invasive beetle, Carpophilus truncatus (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), Journal of Economic Entomology: toae290,


Boyle, S. M., Cornelius, M., Talamas, E. J., Straser, R. K., Wilson, H., Daane, K. M., Weber, D. C., Kuhar, T. P. 2024 "Hadronotus pennsylvanicus (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae): A biological control agent for pestiferous leaffooted bugs (Hemiptera: Coreidae) Journal of Integrated Pest Management 15(1): 15.
Siegel, J. P., Burks, C. S., Wilson, H. 2024. "Season-long comparison of trap lures for Integrated Management of the Navel Orangeworm (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in almond and pistachio" CABI Agriculture and Bioscience 5(30).
Straser, R. K., Daane, K. M., Stahl, J. M., Wilson, H. 2024. "Floral resources enhance fitness of the parasitoid Hadronotus pennsylvanicus (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) but not biological control of its host Leptoglossus zonatus (Hemiptera: Coreidae)" Environmental Entomology nvae002.


Gordon, P. E., Goodrich, B. K., Wilson, H. 2023. "Adoption of Amyelois transitella (navel orangeworm) monitoring and management practices across California" Journal of Integrated Pest Management. 14(1): 16.
Straser, R. K., Reger, J. E., Wilson, H. 2023. "Diet quality influences nutrient retention and reproductive fitness of the biocontrol agent Hadronotus pennsylvanicus (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae)" Journal of Insect Physiology 147.
Wauters, V. M., Jarvis-Shean, K., Williams, N., Hodson, A., Hanson, B. D., Haring, S., Wilson, H., Westphal, A., Solis, S. S., Daane, K., Mitchell, J., and Gaudin, A. C. M. 2023. "Developing cover crop systems for California almonds: Current knowledge and uncertainties" Journals of Soil and Water Conservation. 78(1): 5A-11A.


Burks, C. S., Hengst, F. S., Wilson, H., Wenger, J.A. 2022. "Diel periodicity in males of the navel orangeworm (Lepdoptera: Pyralidae) as revealed by automated camera traps" Journal of Insect Science 22(5);
Millar, J. G., Zou, Y., Hall, D. R., Halloran, S., Pajares, J. A., Ponce-Herrero, L., Shates, T., Wilson, H., and Daane, K. M. 2022. "Identification and synthesis of leptotriene, a unique sesquiterpene hydrocarbon from males of the leaffooted bugs Leptoglossus zonatus and L. occidentalis" Journal of Natural Products  
Wilson, H., Daane, K. M., Maccaro, J. J., Scheibner, R. S., Britt, K. E., and Gaudin, A. C. M. 2022. "Winter cover crops reduce spring emergence and egg deposition of overwintering navel orangeworm (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in almonds" Environmental Entomology 51(4): 790-797;
Britt, K. E., Wilson, H. 2022. "Evaluation of Insecticides to Conctrol Navel Orangeworm in Fig, 2021" Arthropod Management Tests 47(1);
Britt, K. E., Meierotto, S. L., Morelos, V. E., and Wilson, H. 2022. "First year survey of arthropods in California hemp" Frontiers in Agronomy;
Straser, R. K., and Wilson, H. 2022. "Food deprivation alters reproductive performance of biocontrol agent Hadronotus pennsylvanicus" Scientific Reports 12: 7129;
Britt, K. E., Gordon, P. E., Faber, B. A., Rios, S. I., and Wilson, H. 2022. "First Report of Black Fig Fly, Silba adipata (Diptera: Lonchaeidae), in the United States" Journal of Integrated Pest Management, 13(1): 12.
Straser, R. K., Daane, K. M., Talamas, E., and Wilson, H. 2022. "Evaluation of egg parasitoid Hadronotus pennsylvanicus as a prospective biocontrol agent of the leaffooted bug Leptoglossus zonatus" BioControl ;


Mace, K., Rudder, J., Goodhue, R., Tolhurst, T., Tregeagle, T., Wei, H., Grafton-Cardwell, B., Grettenberger, I., Wilson, H., Van Steenwyck, R., Zalom, F., and Steggal, J. 2021. "Balancing Bees and Pest Management: Projected Costs of Proposed Be-Protective Neonicotinoid Regulation in California" Journal of Economic Entomology;
Wilson, H., Hogg, B. N., Blaisdell, K. G., Andersen, J. C., Yazdani, A. S., Billings, A. C., Ooi, K. M., Soltani, N., Almeida, R., Cooper, M. L., Al Rawanih, M., Daane, K. M. 2021. "Survey of Vineyard Insects and Plants to Identify Potential Insect Vectors and Non-crop Reservoirs of Grapevine Red Blotch Virus" PhytoFrontiers;
Stahl, J. M., H. Wilson, R. K. Straser, J. J. Maccaro, K. M. Daane. 2021. "Irrigated trap crops impact key hemipteran pests in organic pistachio orchard" Arthropod-Plant Interactions;
Billings, A. C., K. Flores, K. A. McCalla, K. M. Daane, H. Wilson. 2021. "Use of Ground Covers to Control Three-Cornered Alfalfa Hopper, Spissistilus festinus (Hemiptera: Membracidae), and Other Suspected Vectors of Grapevine Red Blotch Disease" Journal of Economic Entomology 114(4): 1462-1469;
Reger, J., J. Wenger, G. Brar, C. Burks, H. Wilson. 2021. "Evaluating Flight Performance of Mass-Reared and Irradiated Navel Orangeworm (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) for Sterile Insect Technique. Journal of Economic Entomology 114(4): 1542-1548;


Wilson, H., C. Burks, J. E. Reger, J. A. Wenger. 2020. "Biology and management of navel orangeworm (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in California" Journal of Integrated Pest Management 11(1): 25;
Reger, J., J. Wenger, G. Brar, C. Burks, H. Wilson. 2020 "Evaluating response of mass-reared and irradiated Navel orangeworm, Amyelois transitella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), to crude female pheromone extract" Insects 11(10), 703;
Triapitsyn, S., P. F. Rugman-Jones, P. Tretiakov, K. M. Daane, H. Wilson. 2020 "Reassessment of molecular and morphological variation within the Anagrus atomus species complex (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae): Egg parasitoids of leafhoppers (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) in Europe and North America. Journal of Natural History. (accepted, in press);
Wilson, H., A. S. Yazdani, K. M. Daane. 2020 "Influence of riparian habitat and ground covers on threecornered alfalfa hopper (Hempitera: Membracidae) populations in vineyards" Journal of Economic Entomology 113(5): 2354-2361;
Wilson, H., J. J. Maccaro, K. M. Daane. 2020 "Optimizing trap characteristics to monitor the leaffooted bug Leptoglossus zonatus (Heteroptera: Coreidae) in orchards" Insects 11(6), 358.


Wilson, H., H. Bodwitch, J. Carah, K. M. Daane, C. M. Getz, T. E. Grantham, V. Butsic. 2019 "First known survey of cannabis production practices in California" California Agriculture 73(3):119-127
Bodwitch, H., J. Carah, K. M. Daane, C. M. Getz, T. E. Grantham, G. M. Hickey, H. Wilson. 2019 "Growers says cannabis legalization excludes small growers, supports illicit markets, undermines local economies" California Agriculture 73(3):177-184
Daane, K. M., G. Y. Yokota, H. Wilson. 2019 "Seasonal dynamics of the leaffooted bug Leptoglossus zonatus and its implications for control in almonds and pistachios" Insects 10(8), 255.


Daane, K. M., B. N. Hogg, H. Wilson, G. Yokota. 2018. "Native grass ground covers provide multiple ecosystem services in California vineyards" Journal of Applied Ecology 55(5) 2473-2483.
Wilson, H., J. S. Wong, R. W. Thorp, A. F. Miles, K. M. Daane, M. A. Altieri. 2018. “Summer flowering cover crops support wild bees in vineyards” Environmental Entomology 47(1): 63-69.
Beck, J. J., W. S. Gee, L. W. Cheng, B. S. Higbee, H. Wilson, K. M. Daane. 2018. "Investigating host plant-based semiochemicals for attracting the leaffooted bug (Hemiptera: Coreidae), an insect pest of California agriculture" Roles of Natural Products for Biorational Pesticides in Agriculture, Ch. 11: 143-165, American Chemical Society; DOI: 10.1021/bk-2018-1294.ch011


Wilson, H., K. M. Daane 2017. “Review of Ecologically-based Pest Management in California Vineyards” Insects 8(4): 108.
Wilson, H., K. M. Daane 2017. "Greenhouse evaluation of two different formulations of azadirachtin on egg mortality of Virginia creeper leafhopper, 2016” Arthropod Management Tests 42(1).
Wilson, H., S. J. Triapitsyn. 2017. “Records of Anagrus tretiakovae Triapitsyn,1998 (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae)in California vineyards” The Pan-Pacific Entomologist 93(2): 53-55.
Wilson, H., A. F. Miles, K. M. Daane, M. A. Altieri. 2017. “Landscape diversity and crop vigor outweigh influence of local diversification on biological control of a vineyard pest” Ecosphere 8(4): e01736.


Wilson, H., K. Daane. 2016. "Greenhouse evaluation of azadirachtin and white mineral oil on egg mortality of Virginia creeper leafhopper, 2015” Arthropod Management Tests 42(1).
Wilson, H., A. F. Miles, K. M. Daane, M. A. Altieri. 2016. “Host Plant Association of Anagrus spp. (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) and Erythroneura elegantula (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) in Northern California” Environmental Entomology 45(3): 602-615.
Kelly, R., J. Kitzes, H. Wilson, A. Merenlender. 2016. “Habitat Diversity Promotes Bat Activity in a Vineyard Landscape” Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 223: 175-181.


Wilson, H., A. F. Miles, K. M. Daane, M. A. Altieri. 2015. “Landscape diversity and crop vigor influence biological control of the western grape leafhopper (Erythroneura elegantula Osborn) in vineyards” PLoS one 10(11): e0141752.
Wilson, H., A. F. Miles, K. M. Daane, M. A. Altieri. 2015. “Vineyard proximity to riparian habitat influences Western grape leafhopper (Erythroneura elegantula Osborn) populations” Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 211: 43-5


Miles, A. F., H. Wilson, C. I. Nicholls, and M. A. Altieri. 2011. "Diversification Strategies to Enhance Arthropod Biological Control in California Vineyards" in Arthropod Management in Vineyards. N. J. Bostanian, R. Isaacs and C. Vincent (eds.) Springer.